What If…? Season 2 Rumored to Be Targeting Late 2023 Debut on Disney+


After a captivating first season that twisted iconic MCU events in ways we never imagined, fans have eagerly awaited any news regarding the second installment of the animated series, What If...?. In the ever-expanding universe of Marvel, whispers are beginning to take form. At this moment, there might be a handful of enticing nuggets to sustain the fans' excitement.

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There’s a buzz in the air – though still a soft one – about the return of this multiverse-redefining series. Sources have been mostly mute on the topic until now. A recent rumor/revelation by an insider, known by the intriguing moniker CanWeGetSomeToast, suggests that we might be re-entering the multiverse sooner than we thought. The anticipated window? Late December 2023 to early January 2024. As is the case with any hearsay, one should always tread with a bit of doubt. Until the powers at Marvel Studios or Disney weigh in, it’s all just a tantalizing 'maybe.'

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Further stirring the pot, the insider suggests that the season opener won't be the much-gossiped about "What If Tony Landed on Sakaar" episode, rumored to have been originally planned for season one. Such decisions, of course, often have a myriad of reasons behind them, from narrative pacing to broader thematic concerns.

Although fans were initially given hope by series writer, A.C. Bradley, who hinted at a 2022 return, the cosmos has remained eerily quiet regarding The Watcher's further adventures. While some have posited a significant delay, the cause of this potential detour from the original trajectory remains shrouded in mystery.

The Multiverse Beckons: Director Bryan Andrews Teases Uncharted Territories

<!--[if IE 9]> <![endif]-->Spider-Man in What If...?
Marvel Studios

When the multiverse does swing open its doors again, it promises to be wilder than ever. Bryan Andrews, the director steering this ship of wonders, has hinted at the vastness of possibilities the multiverse holds. In a candid conversation, he revealed, "There were ideas that just kept staying around, some that were way too outlandish for even us to grasp immediately. But come Season 3, expect some of that insane creativity we pitched at the very beginning."

For those unacquainted, What If...? isn't just another Marvel series. It’s a playground of possibilities, exploring alternate outcomes to pivotal moments in the MCU, reshaping characters and fates. Season one dazzled us with Peggy Carter donning the mantle of the Super Soldier, a victorious Ultron, and a heart-wrenching twist on Doctor Strange's personal tragedy. Aside from its brilliant narrative spins, the series also garnered attention for its distinct and mesmerizing animation style – a testament to the creative risks the show is willing to take.

With the inaugural season still streaming on Disney+ and enjoying positive acclaim, it's no wonder fans are on the edge of their seats, waiting for another dive into the world of what might have been. As we await official confirmation, one can't help but dream of the endless avenues and alleys that Marvel's imaginative minds might lead us down.

In a universe where anything and everything is possible, the only certainty is this: What If...? season two promises a thrilling journey, full of unexpected twists and unprecedented tales. Stay tuned, true believers!

Maya Suryanto

Maya Suryanto adalah seorang jurnalis yang penuh gairah yang berasal dari Bandung. Ia telah mengkhususkan diri dalam meliput masalah hak asasi manusia dan ketidakadilan sosial di Indonesia. Maya telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun untuk menyelidiki pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, termasuk kasus kerja paksa dan eksploitasi anak. Liputannya yang penuh keberanian telah mengungkap kejahatan tersebut dan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kesadaran publik tentang isu-isu penting ini. Sebagai seorang jurnalis yang berkomitmen, Maya terus memberikan suara kepada para korban dan berjuang untuk perubahan positif dalam masyarakat Indonesia.

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