Rahul Gandhi meets Goa Congress leaders during private visit to state, holds discussions on LS polls and other issues


Congress leader Rahul Gandhi came to Goa on a private visit during which he met state party leaders and MLAs and held discussions about the Lok Sabha polls due next year, strengthening of the party and other issues, a party leader said on Thursday.

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Gandhi arrived at the Dabolim airport in Goa on Wednesday night and then went to stay at a hotel near capital Panaji, a senior party office-bearer said.

He had a late night dinner with the Goa Congress MLAs and also met state party chief Amit Patkar.

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In the 40-member Goa assembly, the Congress has three MLAs.

''Though the visit was private, Gandhi held discussions about the Lok Sabha elections, strengthening of the party and other political issues,'' Patkar told PTI. Gandhi left for New Delhi shortly before 11 am on Thursday from the Manohar International Airport in North Goa, he said.

(This story has not been edited by staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Maya Suryanto

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