BJP says Haryana violence 'part of larger conspiracy', questions Congress' role


The BJP on Thursday raised questions on the Congress' role in the communal violence in Haryana, saying the clashes that took place between the two communities were ''part of a larger conspiracy'' and the truth will come out during the investigation.

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Addressing a press conference at the party headquarters here, BJP national spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said Congress MLA Mamman Khan's "provocative statement" on the floor of the Haryana Legislative Assembly and his social media posts raise suspicion about the party's role in the violence.

Communal violence broke out in Nuh district on Monday as a mob tried to stop a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession by pelting stones and setting cars on fire. The violence spilled over into neighbouring Gurugram on Tuesday with mobs killing a Muslim cleric, torching an eatery, and vandalising shops.

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So far, six people have died, 116 arrested and 90 detained, according to the Haryana government.

"Congress MLA Mamman Khan had given a provocative statement on the floor of the Haryana Assembly. His social media post and video were tantamount to inciting violence. This raises deep suspicion," the BJP spokesperson told the press conference.

The violence that took place in Haryana was "part of a larger conspiracy" and the truth will come out during the investigation of the case, he said.

"Mamman Khan's provocative statement, his video and social media post raise a big question mark on the (role of) the Congress," Trivedi charged.

(This story has not been edited by staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Maya Suryanto

Maya Suryanto adalah seorang jurnalis yang penuh gairah yang berasal dari Bandung. Ia telah mengkhususkan diri dalam meliput masalah hak asasi manusia dan ketidakadilan sosial di Indonesia. Maya telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun untuk menyelidiki pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, termasuk kasus kerja paksa dan eksploitasi anak. Liputannya yang penuh keberanian telah mengungkap kejahatan tersebut dan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kesadaran publik tentang isu-isu penting ini. Sebagai seorang jurnalis yang berkomitmen, Maya terus memberikan suara kepada para korban dan berjuang untuk perubahan positif dalam masyarakat Indonesia.

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