Alain confides in his relationship with his new companion, Denis


Alain l’Auvergnat is no longer a heart to take. The contestant of season 17 of  » Love is in the meadow » has indeed found love in the arms of a certain Denis.

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The fifties recently confided in his romance with the latter in the columns of Here. The opportunity to discover disagreements in the relationship between the two men. Details in this article.

Alain has found the ideal partner thanks to « Love is in the meadow »

As a reminder, it was last February that Alain l’Auvergnat unveiled qthat he was in a relationship with a certain Denis. The calf breeder announced the news during an interview with Télé-Loisirs.

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At that time, the former candidate of  » Love is in the meadow «  revealed that he had found the perfect man thanks to the show. And their meeting made him very happy, he who had lost all hope in love, after his breakup with his former suitor.

About his meeting with Denis, Alain l’Auvergnat confided in particular:

“It was friends of his who had spotted me and who had written. He didn’t want to do TV. By the voice, I knew it was him. He then said: “I had given up. But with him, it’s passionate, it’s love at first sight, it’s rare. He is in Blois in the trade, and I in the Allier with my cows, it was impossible for us to meet. »

Since Alain l’Auvergnat found the love of his life, he often talks about their relationship in his interviews. At one point, the former candidate of  » Love is in the meadow «  shared the photo of her lover on the networks. However, this does not always please his companion.

The couple at odds

As Alain l’Auvergnat confided in a recent interview with Here, his lover, Denis, is a very discreet man. To keep his privacy, this one Avoid showing up on social media at all costs. or in the media.

Since the formalization of their relationship, only one snapshot of him has indeed been published on social networks. And that day, it was the candidate of the 17ᵉ season of  » Love is in the meadow «  who shared it on his Instagram account.

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It was in particular an act that the calf farmer should not have done. Especially since he knows very well how much his companion does not like being publicized at all.

It is moreover one of the sources of their disagreementas Alain l’Auvergnat himself confided in the pages of Here.

“That’s our big sticking point. He doesn’t want to hear about it at all, that’s plain and clear. He is not on any social network, he does not want to be photographed. You have to respect your choice, “he explained, before relating:” The other day, I posted a photo because I couldn’t take it anymore and I wanted to shout it everywhere, necessarily. Now that’s all, we won’t talk about it again. It is true that it is delicate. The other day, we went to the restaurant for the first time and I was accosted right away”.

Her secrets about marriage

One of the situations that also puts Alain l’Auvergnat at odds with his new partner is marriage. Indeed, the couple do not have the same opinion on the subject.

In the columns of Here, the former star of  » Love is in the meadow «  said he wanted to formalize his relationship with Denis at the altar. Unfortunately for him, her lover is not very interested in the idea.

During his interview, the farmer notably confided that if it were up to him, they would have already married a long time ago. However, because of his companion, they should slow down. According to him, he had to be cajoled to convince him. Something that is however not easy to do for the fifty-year-old.

“I have to take it slow because he’s never known love. It was very complicated at the beginning for him. It was necessary to coax it, it was not the easiest, “he confided to the magazine Here.

Despite this, Alain from Auvergnat does not hide the fact that even if sometimes he does not always agree with his lover, this one fills him with love. And rightly so, because the two lovebirds have a real connection, they understand each other a lot, even without talking to each other. They are what we call kindred spirits.

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Maya Suryanto

Maya Suryanto adalah seorang jurnalis yang penuh gairah yang berasal dari Bandung. Ia telah mengkhususkan diri dalam meliput masalah hak asasi manusia dan ketidakadilan sosial di Indonesia. Maya telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun untuk menyelidiki pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, termasuk kasus kerja paksa dan eksploitasi anak. Liputannya yang penuh keberanian telah mengungkap kejahatan tersebut dan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kesadaran publik tentang isu-isu penting ini. Sebagai seorang jurnalis yang berkomitmen, Maya terus memberikan suara kepada para korban dan berjuang untuk perubahan positif dalam masyarakat Indonesia.

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